
About OAGE

The Ohio Association of Gerontology and Education, Inc. (OAGE) emerged from the Ohio Network of Educational Consultants in the Field of Aging (ONECA). In September 1975, a meeting titled "Dialogue: Academia and Administration" led to the formation of ONECA, aimed at fostering collaboration among Ohio's post-secondary institutions, the Ohio Department of Aging, and the Area Agencies on Aging.

ONECA's primary tasks included reviewing training budgets for the Area Agencies on Aging, professionalizing staff in the field of aging, and organizing the Annual Ohio Professional and Student Conference on Aging. The organization also provided input to the Ohio Department of Aging and the Area Agencies on Aging through special projects, training recommendations, and the development of educational materials.

Funded by a grant from the Ohio Department of Aging, ONECA supported educational consultants and partially underwrote the annual conference. In 2002, ONECA transitioned into OAGE, a 501(c)(3) membership organization dedicated to advancing aging education, research, and professional development. OAGE continues to emphasize the dissemination of research, practitioner innovation, and student involvement through its strategic initiatives and annual conference. The organization aims to enhance communication and interaction among professionals in the field of aging to improve services for older adults.