Complete Story
Molly Taylor
Class of 2024
Ohio University
Major/Degree: Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences
Project Title:
Recognizing the Necessity: Introducing Healthcare Professionals to Geriatric Care Early
Project Summary:
A lack of required courses discussing gerontology across the College of Health, Sciences, and Professions programs was identified. To better understand why, I completed a series of semi-structured interviews with heads of departments and students with senior standing in Allied Health programs. The data collected aided in identifying gaps and developing a multidisciplinary course, that sought to equip future healthcare professionals with essential skills for working with older adults.
Current Whereabouts:
I am currently completing my fourth year at Ohio University and am in the process of applying to master’s programs in speech-language pathology. At present, I am working on a thesis that focuses on dysphagia and swallowing disorders. I have finished data collection and I’m feeling optimistic about the next steps of the project.
Future/ Desired Plans:
I hope to work as a research assistant in a graduate lab while earning my master’s degree. After completing my degree, I aim to work as a clinician serving older adults at a Veterans Affairs facility, focusing on swallowing and dysphagia management, as well as stroke recovery and related areas.