Complete Story


Morgan Minyo

Class of 2022

Morgan Minyo, PhD, Scholars in Aging Class of 2022

Who and/or what influenced your decision to apply for the Scholars program?

My advisor, Dr. Kathie Judge, first introduced me to the Scholars in Aging Program while I was a third-year doctoral student at Cleveland State University in the Adult Development and Aging Program. At the time, I had just started my Applied Aging Research Fellowship at Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging. Applying for the Scholars Program was the perfect opportunity to further expand my knowledge base and skill set while also beginning to apply what I was learning at both Cleveland State University and Benjamin Rose.

Describe your favorite experience as a Scholar.

Though I enjoyed and learned a great deal from all of my Scholar experiences, the one that stands out the most was the “AAA Experience Day” at a local Area Agency on Aging (AAA), which was the Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging located in downtown Cleveland. Over the course of the day, I met with an interdisciplinary network of AAA staff who were dedicated to serving older adults. I learned about the various programs and services that AAAs offer and the important impact they have on the Aging Services Network.

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